August 2023 Entrepreneurship

Amias Michon

Entrepreneur, Basketball Star, Artist

Amias Michon

Hello Amias! What is your favorite class right now in high school?

Since I was a little kid, math has always been my favorite subject. I always enjoy doing things with numbers. It wouldn’t matter what it was. Rather it’s asking someone to randomly give me multiplication problems, or asking them to give me random math situations, or asking to count money.

Why did you decide to choose a major in computer science and mathematics for college?

As the world is transitioning into a technology dominant place, it makes the most sense for me to pursue more knowledge about the subject, so I can dominate and be exceptional with tech. Learning the root and basics of tech is the key to success. Learning the advanced and the secrets behind it will help me become the wealthiest, the smartest, and the most helpful.  Learning more so I can teach the ones younger.

Can you describe your most memorable high school memory?

My favorite memory has to be my first homecoming. Everybody was nice, the music was good, and I was with my girlfriend the whole night. That night let me know who people really were, and how everybody acted when they attempted to step out of their comfort zone.

Tell us more about your roles as a Technician Assistant and Catering Assistant.

I enjoy being a catering assistant more because I love cooking. I always take every chance I have to improve my cooking whether it’s perfecting the dishes I already learned, or experimenting with new cooking blends. I like being a technician assistant because it helps me learn new techniques.  Such as creating logs, legal documents, or documents that clients need to fill out for an employee ID.

What is your favorite sport to play?

My favorite sport to play is basketball. I’ve always loved basketball since I was a toddler. My mom will tell people I’m always walking around the house annoying her by acting like I’m dribbling and shooting a basketball, or throwing away garbage like I’m shooting.

What are some words of advice you can give to future college applicants about navigating the college process?

Well I haven’t actually applied yet. Personally, I chose the colleges I want to attend because I am a young black man and wanted to stay somewhat connected to my community. Both of the schools I picked are HBCUS. One being an Ivy League school, while the other is close to family, including my mother. I would suggest choosing a college that peaks your educational interest, while keeping the level of comfort you want to feel.

Tell us more about your apparel company MASSO? What does the name represent?

Well, MASSO actually stands for "My Ambition Sends Success Out". It represents the act of turning your struggles into success. Young entrepreneurs need more role models that are in their generation, which I hope to be. My story will be the starting point for my peers to rise to their full capabilities.

Also, I have a book coming out soon titled “MASSO” to help navigate the troubles of the world. Starting with affirmations that help change your mindset, which you can apply into your everyday life. In this book, I will focus on mindset, aspirations, strength, success, and optimism. As a bonus, I will discuss some of the subjects I advocate for as well. MASSO is more than a term.  It’s a lifestyle, better than being good, or so so. To be MASSO means you got your mind, heart, and soul right. Ultimately, you’re at your best internally at the moment.

Masso Amias Michon

"MASSO is more than a term.  It’s a lifestyle, better than being good, or so so. To be MASSO means you got your mind, heart, and soul right. Ultimately, you’re at your best internally at the moment".

Can you list three traits/qualities that you think every entrepreneur should have in their CEO tool box?

You should always have self awareness to know what puts you in the best position for success. Also, you need confidence, but don’t let your confidence turn into cockiness. The difference between the two in my opinion is that confidence is trusting in yourself, and knowing you have the ability to achieve anything you want, and helping others complete their goals.  Cockiness is when you feel you can achieve anything without having to work for it. You need kindness. Making strong and firm relationships in the industry you work in is key. You never know what allies you’ll need, and how people can help you. Always be as kind as you can to others, while maintaining a good position for yourself.

Why do you think it is important to discuss issues such as gun violence and mental health?

I feel like these are the most well known issues of my generation that aren’t talked about enough.  Everybody my age gang bangs, or know people that gang bands. This generation has had the worst mental health ever. I want to get exposure for the people that need help. It especially took a long time for me to come to grips with these issues coming from Chicago. Gun violence is normalized there, but it’s not ok. I hope to make a change for my generation, and the generations after us to grow up in a safe environment. For me, my music is my way of expressing my pain and the way I can reach other audiences.

I aspire to release a project called Continuing The Legacy: CTL the Tape that will have many relatable vibes for people of all ages. My mother and I both lost our best friends last year in a tragic way. The grief process has been similar for both of us, not to mention the other similarities we have within our life experiences.  Seeing how she and her generation, as well as others, can connect and relate gave me a push to share our stories to impact others to move forward. My education comes first so, in due time, it’ll be in your hands.

How has music impacted your life?

Music is my way of expressing my pain, and the way I can reach other audiences. My new project Continuing The Legacy: CTL the Tape will be releasing soon. It has many relatable vibes for people of all ages. My mother and I both lost our best friends last year in a tragic way. The grief process has been similar for both of us, not to mention the other similarities we have within our life experiences.  Seeing how she and her generation, as well as others can connect and relate, gave me a push to share our stories to impact others to move forward.

What are some other hobbies that you enjoy?

I enjoy playing chess against people from school and my parents. I love reading about Greek mythology and comic books. I love free-styling on random instrumentals I find on YouTube to help me practice with finding my own, original, and unique sound that shows the creativity I have. Also, I really enjoy movie nights with my mom, while also playing UNO. M0m and I are both equally competitive. It makes for a good time, and lots of strategic planning to WIN.

Amias Michon and Antoinette Logan

You have a recipe book coming out that you are publishing with your mother?  What is your favorite food and dessert?

Yes. We haven’t named it yet, but EVERY RECIPE IS SO DELICIOUS. Cooking with my mom is bonding time and a lot of fun. We knew that sharing this mother and son duo book will help other families connect in the kitchen. Bonding is very important to us.

My favorite food is seafood gumbo hands down because I love spicy dishes that are filled with a bunch of different ingredients. My favorite dessert is definitely cheesecake. It’s so simple, yet elegant, and delicious. It reminds me that simplicity can still create greatness or perfection.

How has your mother influenced your journey to pursue your dreams?

My mother has shown me that not everyone has your best interests at heart, to rely on only yourself, and take the time to do your own research when you want to learn more. My mother has given me the freedom and independence to become my own man, and create my own thoughts, which has led me to become the man I am today. She pushes me and supports me with every thought or idea that I have, while providing me with a different perspective, and other ways to complete what I want to be done. She is one of the main reasons why I will be continuing the legacy she has worked so hard and smart to build for us.

Amias Michon

Follow at: 
Linktree: @amiasmichon

Cover Photo Credits:
Photographer: Gahsh Henry
Lighting: Terrance Lewis