October 2023 Health/Wellness

I n d i g e n o u s  I n t e n t i o n s

Dr. Tomasina Chupco (Seminole Tribe of Florida)


Indigenous Intentions

What inspired you to start your healing and Indigenous wellness advocacy journey?

From a young age, I was deeply connected to the traditions and wisdom of my people. Witnessing the disconnect many people felt from nature and their own well being, I was inspired to bridge that gap using the Indigenous knowledge passed down through generations. Additionally, in a world that constantly demands advocacy and community, I've come to embrace the method of "rest as resistance". Recognizing that true healing often requires us to pause, reflect, and rest, I advocate for the importance of restorative practices in our community work and wellness journeys.

How has your dual heritage impacted your path that led to starting indigenous intentions?

My dual heritage has given me a unique lens through which I view wellness. It's allowed me to blend the best of both worlds, combining traditional Indigenous practices with modern holistic approaches to create a comprehensive healing journey for those I serve.

Indigenous Intentions

"My dual heritage has given me a unique lens through which I view wellness. It's allowed me to blend the best of both worlds, combining traditional Indigenous practices with modern holistic approaches to create a comprehensive healing journey for those I serve".

Are there any personal moments in your life that led to your path of becoming a healing woman?

One of the most pivotal moments was when my grandmother fell ill and eventually passed away due to complications. Her journey deeply affected me and highlighted the importance of holistic well-being and the role of traditional remedies. It was the Indigenous teachings of my grandmother that started the concept of Healing Hokte.

For people who may not know what herbalism is, can you give us an overview of herbalism?

Herbalism is the study and use of medicinal properties in plants. It's an ancient practice, where healers use herbs to treat various ailments, promote wellness, and restore balance in the body.

What are some alternative medicine and herbal products that you offer?

At Healing Hokte, we offer a range of products and consulting. Our Ceremonial Herbal Smoke Kisses are herbal pre-rolls with no CBD or THC. It is 100% all flower blend with benefits of sleep, relaxation, and helps with feminine discomfort. It encourages people to take a tolerance break, and rest with ethically sourced ingredients, and rooted in Indigenous wisdom. On the consulting end, I teach those who have a feminine cycle to get in tune with their flow and in turn it helps with their monthly scheduling to get the BEST results.

Do you have a favorite product? What are the benefits?

One of my favorites is our Herbal Kisses. Plants are sacred to many in the Black and Indigenous community. We use them as medicine and for certain ceremonies. Our Herbal Kisses are made with love and the practice of herbalism in mind. They are a great way to decrease nicotine and cannabis use and an amazing introduction to herbal medicine.

Tell us more about your doctorate degree. What was your field of study?

I hold a Doctorate in Education, which allowed me to delve deep into the pedagogical aspects of knowledge transfer and understanding. Additionally, I have a B.S. in Alternative Medicine, which provided me with a solid foundation in holistic healing practices and the science behind them. Together, these degrees have equipped me to educate and heal using a blend of traditional and modern approaches.

Indigenous Intentions

Are there any challenges you've had to overcome as a healer and wellness advocate?

Certainly. There's often skepticism around alternative medicine. Educating people about the efficacy and roots of our practices has been both a challenge and a rewarding journey.

As an advocate, what are some causes that are important to you? How have you advocated for these causes?

Preservation of Indigenous knowledge and land rights are paramount. I've worked with various organizations, held workshops, and spoken at conferences to raise awareness and support these causes.

Have you ever had to deal with opposition with any of the causes that you advocate for?

Yes, advocating for Indigenous rights often means challenging established systems. While opposition is expected, it strengthens our resolve and highlights the importance of our work.

"Yes, advocating for Indigenous rights often means challenging established systems. While opposition is expected, it strengthens our resolve and highlights the importance of our work".

Land acknowledge statements have several debates. Do you believe land acknowledgement statements are beneficial or harmful to Indigenous communities?

I believe they're beneficial when done genuinely, but there has to be authentic solidarity with the local Native community. They recognize the original stewards of the land, and can be a step towards greater understanding and respect.

Are there any organizations you've been able to partner/collaborate with that align with your mission?

Absolutely. We've collaborated with organizations such as the National Indigenous Women's Resource Center.

Healing and trauma may feel like dualistic forces. How do you navigate providing a safe space for trauma, while also providing a space to heal?

By creating an environment of trust, understanding, and non-judgment. Recognizing trauma is the first step to healing, and we ensure our spaces are sanctuaries for both acknowledgment and healing work.

Can you provide our readers with a daily herb that you think they should always have in their cabinet?

Turmeric. It's anti-inflammatory, boosts immunity, and has numerous other health benefits.

What are some words of wisdom that you can give to future healers who want to start their herbalism or alternative medicine journey?

Stay connected to the roots, be patient, and always approach healing with an open heart and mind.

How can people or organizations collaborate with you if they want to support your advocacy work?

They can reach out to us through our DMs and we have a collaboration link within our bio. We're always open to collaborations that align with our mission.

Outside of your being a healer and wellness advocate, what are some other hobbies that you enjoy?

I love aerial silks, fitness, jewelry designing, spending time with my family, and connecting with nature and our ancestral lands.

Indigenous Intentions

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Facebook: Indigenous Intentions
TikTok: @IndigenousIntentions @HealingHokte
Instagram: @IndigenousIntentions @HealingHokte

 Cover Photo Credits:

Keyra Juliana Espinoza Arroyo 
Paris René James

Dress Designer: Stef Johns (Seminole Tribe of Florida/Simply Savage Steffs)

Make-up: Petra Jewel Battiest (Seminole Tribe of Florida/Painted by Petra)