November/December 2024 Barber/Cosmetology
T r e s s e s b y
T a s h a a
T a s h a C h r i s t i n a
F a u x L o c s / P r o t e c t i v e
S t y l e s
What inspired you to start your hairstylist journey?
Being a creative person is what sparked my journey into hairstyling. I was searching for a stylist in Minnesota who could create the natural faux loc look I had in mind, but I couldn’t find anyone offering that service. So, I turned to YouTube to learn more. Before I knew it, I started practicing on myself. After posting some photos of my work, I was pleasantly surprised when a few ladies reached out, asking for the same style! I watched a few more tutorials, and soon enough, I had my first client—who, by the way, took 12 hours, haha.
That was the moment I fell in love with hair—learning not only how to perfect the faux loc style I’d been dreaming of, but also how to expand my skills and offer more services. It’s always been about challenging myself to get better, and most importantly, providing a service that makes women feel beautiful while protecting their natural tresses.
If you enjoyed reading this snippet of the interview, then you will love reading the full interview! You can order a copy of LDL Magazine’s print magazine here. If you are a mobile, I-pad, or Kindle fan, then you can subscribe to LDL Magazine’s digital magazine and library archive here.
Instagram: @Christinaa.Tashaa @Tressesbytashaa
TikTok: @Tashachristinaaa @TashaChristina