August 2023 Media

A n t o i n e t t e  L o g a n

Public Speaker, Business Consultant, Life
Coach, Author, & Media Professional

Antoinette Logan and Amias Michon

What inspired you to start your journey as a CEO and entrepreneur?

The journey to becoming a CEO and entrepreneur was sparked by a deep-seated desire to create impact and inspire change. Witnessing the power of transformation in my own life, I yearned to share that potential with others.  The idea of shaping businesses that could serve as vehicles for positive change and personal growth became my driving force.  I wanted to build platforms that would uplift, empower, and connect individuals on their journeys to success and self-discovery.

What kind of services does The AIM Agency offer?

The AIM Agency offers a dynamic array of services, each carefully designed to drive growth and transformation.  From strategic branding and marketing solutions to personal development coaching, we create holistic approaches that cater to the unique needs of each client.  Our mission is to provide comprehensive support that fuels success across various dimensions—whether it's building a brand, enhancing personal growth, or achieving professional milestones.

If you could name three important elements of brand development, then what would they be?

Absolutely.  Brand development is a multi-faceted process that requires strategic foresight.  Three key elements stand out: authenticity, storytelling, and resonance. Authenticity ensures a brand's genuine connection with its audience, while storytelling shapes the narrative that emotionally engages and captivates.  Resonance is the magic that makes a brand memorable and relatable, fostering a lasting bond that transcends transactional relationships.

Tell us more about your e-book "It Starts With I."

"It Starts With I" is a profound journey of self-discovery and empowerment that encapsulates the essence of personal growth across multiple facets of life.  This e-book is a manifestation of my unwavering belief in the transformative power of self-love, mindset, growth, business, wealth, and money.  It's a reflection of my own journey, one that was ignited by a pivotal moment that compelled me to redefine myself and my purpose.

The genesis of this e-book was an experience that shook the very foundation of my life.  Witnessing my significant other with another woman was a heart-wrenching ordeal that forced me to confront my own worth and priorities.  This incident became the catalyst for a profound realization: I needed to prioritize myself and embark on a journey of personal growth.  Affirmations played a central role in my daily healing and transformation process.  Yet, mere words weren't enough to guide me through this tumultuous period.

Antoinette Logan

""It Starts With I" is a profound journey of self-discovery and empowerment that encapsulates the essence of personal growth across multiple facets of life.  This e-book is a manifestation of my unwavering belief in the transformative power of self-love, mindset, growth, business, wealth, and money".

In a moment of spiritual clarity, I heard a resounding voice that encouraged me to convert those affirmations into a book—a book that would not only serve as a guide for my own healing, but also extend a guiding light to others in need of empowerment.  In just three days, I poured my heart and soul into writing and self-publishing "It Starts With I". This endeavor marked the beginning of a transformative journey that I would embark upon with an unwavering commitment.

Following the release of the e-book, I set out on an ambitious 2 1/2 year book tour —a journey of sharing, connecting, and empowering others to take control of their own personal growth.  This tour was a testament to the power of resilience, determination, and the shared human experience.  It was my way of extending a lifeline to those who were navigating their own paths of healing and empowerment.

"It Starts With I" is a deeply personal endeavor, dedicated to the love of my life who served as a beacon of motivation in my life. His unwavering support and encouragement were instrumental in pushing me to bring this e-book to life.  His passing in July 2022 is a loss that I continue to grieve.  His spirit lives on within the pages of this book, and his legacy fuels my on going dedication to inspiring others.

This e-book is an offering of hope, transformation, and empowerment.  It serves as a reminder that regardless of the challenges we face, we have the innate power to rewrite our narratives and create the lives we deserve.  "It Starts With I" is more than just an e-book.  It's a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the limitless potential that resides within each of us.

Antoinette Logan

Why do you think affirmations are important?

Affirmations are the foundation upon which we shape our reality.  They are the means through which we communicate our intentions to ourselves and the universe.  By crafting positive affirmations, we cultivate a mindset of empowerment and possibility.  Affirmations enable us to shift our self-perception, overcome limiting beliefs, and create a path toward our goals.  They serve as a constant reminder of our strength and potential, guiding us through challenges, and helping us manifest our dreams.

"By crafting positive affirmations, we cultivate a mindset of empowerment and possibility.  Affirmations enable us to shift our self-perception, overcome limiting beliefs, and create a path toward our goals.  They serve as a constant reminder of our strength and potential, guiding us through challenges, and helping us manifest our dreams".

Can you leave our readers with a daily affirmation?

Certainly.  Here's a daily affirmation that I believe can empower anyone: "I am the architect of my destiny, creating a life filled with purpose, abundance, and joy. Every step I take leads me closer to my aspirations, and I embrace challenges as opportunities for growth.  My potential is limitless, and I am the driving force behind my success".

My favorite affirmation from the book is “Everything I do, is done with love.  If it can not be done with love, it is not for me and does not deserve my time, energy, or attention.”

Tell us more about your Self Mastery Masterbook.

As a certified life coach expert, trauma-informed practitioner, and the founding Editor-In-Chief of a magazine focused on Self-Mastery, my purpose transcends mere profession—it's an unwavering commitment to guide and empower individuals on their path to personal growth.  Rooted in empathy and understanding, my journey revolves around creating a tangible pathway for individuals to cultivate a lifestyle that resonates with their aspirations and is driven by continuous evolution.

The Self Mastery Masterbook encapsulates this mission.  It is a profound testament to my dedication to provide individuals with the tools to take control of their lives, nurture resilience, and evolve in alignment with their deepest desires. Each chapter and exercise within the masterbook is meticulously crafted to facilitate personal transformation, inviting readers to explore their inner landscapes and tap into the latent potential within.

Beyond the realm of knowledge-sharing, this masterbook exemplifies empowerment in action.  It extends an invitation to embark on a transformative journey—one that guides individuals toward embracing their unique strengths, fostering self-love, and nurturing a mindset that thrives on perpetual growth. 

My commitment to this cause extends far beyond the master book's pages.  As a trauma-informed life coach, I understand the intricate nuances of personal growth journeys. My dual role as a certified life coach expert and the Editor-In-Chief allows me to offer personalized guidance, creating an all-encompassing experience for those seeking to unlock their potential.

At the heart of my philosophy is the understanding that true empowerment requires a holistic approach.  Through the Self Mastery Masterbook, I share insights, tools, and unwavering support to inspire readers to embrace each day as an opportunity for self-evolution, and to create lives they truly love.

The journey towards self-mastery isn't just about reading words—it's about embracing them, embodying them, and enacting change. By combining my roles, experience, and trauma-informed perspective, I aim to guide others in crafting lives of purpose, growth, and fulfillment.  It's a journey I undertake with deep humility and the fervent belief that together, we can navigate the path to personal transformation.

Antoinette Logan

How does the Iconic Speakers Network help members with public speaking skills?

The Iconic Speakers Network is a platform designed to elevate individuals' public speaking skills to new heights.  It offers a supportive community, expert guidance, and practical resources that enable members to refine their speaking abilities. From workshops and coaching to networking opportunities, the network creates an environment where members can gain confidence, polish their communication techniques, and become powerful, impactful speakers who can captivate and inspire their audiences.

The Iconic Speakers Network stands as a transformative platform that breathes life into the art of public speaking. Through meticulous curation and a commitment to excellence, we offer a sanctuary for individuals seeking to harness the power of their voice and captivate audiences with authenticity and impact.

Our network is a dynamic tapestry of experienced mentors, industry leaders, and fellow speakers, all dedicated to nurturing the growth of our members. Through immersive workshops, personalized coaching, and invaluable networking opportunities, we pave a pathway for individuals to evolve from timid speakers to captivating orators who command attention and inspire change.

We understand that each individual embarks on their speaking journey with unique aspirations and challenges. That's why the Iconic Speakers Network tailors its offerings to meet the diverse needs of our members. Whether you're looking to refine your storytelling skills, master the art of persuasive communication, or overcome the fear that often accompanies public speaking, we provide a supportive environment that fosters growth at every level.

Our network isn't just about developing polished speakers. It's about cultivating authentic voices that resonate with authenticity and conviction. We empower our members to harness their own stories, perspectives, and passions, transforming them into captivating narratives that engage, uplift, and leave a lasting impact.

Through rigorous training, personalized guidance, and opportunities to showcase one's newfound skills, the Iconic Speakers Network empowers individuals to step into the spotlight with confidence, poise, and the ability to effect meaningful change. We recognize that true mastery of public speaking goes beyond words it's about connecting with your audience on a deeper level, igniting conversations, and sparking positive transformation.

Antoinette Logan

The Iconic Speakers Network is an instrumental force that goes beyond the realm of public speaking alone. It operates as a strategic compass, guiding individuals through the intricate landscape of podcasting, public relations, and of course, public speaking—the PPP strategy. This trifecta of communication prowess is pivotal in catapulting personal brands onto the global stage and expanding their reach with unprecedented impact.

Podcasting, in its essence, is a medium that enables individuals to share their stories, insights, and expertise with a global audience. The Iconic Speakers Network recognizes the immense potential of podcasting as a means to establish thought leadership, connect deeply with listeners, and position oneself as an authority in their field. By harnessing the power of podcasting, members can amplify their message, broaden their influence, and cultivate a dedicated community of engaged followers.

Complementing podcasting is the strategic facet of public relations. In today's interconnected world, effective public relations isn't just about securing media coverage; it's about crafting an authentic narrative that resonates with diverse audiences. The Iconic Speakers Network equips members with the tools to cultivate their personal brand story, forge genuine connections with media outlets, and leverage public relations to enhance their visibility, credibility, and influence on a global scale.

At the core of this strategy lies public speaking—an art that transcends mere words. Public speaking, when honed through the guidance of the Iconic Speakers Network, becomes a potent tool for global brand expansion. Our members are coached to deliver impactful talks that transcend geographical boundaries, bridging cultures and communities with their words.  Through public speaking, they become catalysts for change, sparking conversations that reverberate far and wide.

The PPP strategy's role in global brand expansion is profound. It's about more than just personal advancement; it's about shaping narratives, fostering connections, and inspiring transformation. By mastering podcasting, public relations, and public speaking, our members emerge as dynamic forces capable of creating positive change on a global scale.

In an era where communication is paramount, the Iconic Speakers Network's PPP strategy offers a multi-faceted approach that transcends traditional boundaries. It's a compass that navigates the modern landscape of brand building, guiding individuals toward a future where their voices resonate, their stories inspire, and their impact reverberates across the world.

To join us or learn more or become a member and enjoy the ISN PERKS, visit

How can people overcome their fear of public speaking?

Overcoming the fear of public speaking is a journey that requires self-compassion and practice.  Start by acknowledging the fear without judgment. Then, focus on preparation—know your content inside out and practice speaking in front of a mirror or a small, supportive group. Gradually, expose yourself to larger audiences, and remind yourself that vulnerability is a strength. Embrace nervous energy as excitement, and remember that your message matters. With time and persistence, fear will transform into empowerment, allowing you to share your voice confidently.

Antoinette Logan 

You were nominated for the Presidential Lifetime Achievement Awards! Congratulations! What was this experience like for you to receive such an honorable award?

Thank you! Being nominated for the Presidential Lifetime Achievement Awards was an incredibly humbling and surreal experience. It was a moment that affirmed the significance of the work I've devoted myself to over the years. The recognition of my efforts on a national level was both an honor and a testament to the impact that can be achieved through dedication, passion, and a commitment to making a positive difference.

This achievement; however, holds an even deeper significance in light of my newest endeavor.  Through my recently founded nonprofit, International Icon Inc., I've had the privilege of creating a platform that not only acknowledges my own journey, but also serves as a certified organization to honor and recognize other leaders and change-makers. This nonprofit is a realization of my vision to celebrate individuals who have devoted themselves to serving the world and their communities.  Through International Icon Inc. and its website, we aim to uplift those whose contributions often go unnoticed, highlighting their exceptional dedication and impact.

Receiving the Presidential Lifetime Achievement Awards nomination serves as a reminder that the journey to inspire and empower is an ongoing one. It's an honor to extend that spirit of recognition to others through International Icon Inc. This experience underscores the importance of collective efforts in shaping a brighter future. I'm deeply grateful for this opportunity to contribute to a world of positive change.

Are there any challenges you've had to overcome as a CEO?

Indeed, the journey of a CEO is marked by challenges that shape growth and, resilience. Balancing multiple responsibilities, navigating uncertainties, and adapting to dynamic markets are all part of the process. At times, the weight of leadership can feel overwhelming. However, challenges are opportunities for growth and learning. Each obstacle I've encountered has strengthened my ability to strategize, innovate, and persevere. Through challenges, I've honed my leadership skills and deepened my commitment to driving meaningful change.

What are some words of advice you can give to future CEOs who want to start more than one business?

To aspiring CEOs embarking on multiple ventures, I offer these words of advice: Start with a clear vision for each business, aligning them with your passions and expertise. Cultivate a strong support network—mentors, advisors, and peers who can provide guidance and insights. Embrace delegation and prioritize time management to effectively juggle multiple responsibilities. And remember, failures are lessons, not setbacks. Each business you start contributes to your growth as a multi-faceted entrepreneur. Stay resilient, stay focused, and keep the spirit of innovation alive.

"Start with a clear vision for each business, aligning them with your passions and expertise. Cultivate a strong support network—mentors, advisors, and peers who can provide guidance and insights. Embrace delegation and prioritize time management to effectively juggle multiple responsibilities. And remember, failures are lessons, not setbacks".

Outside of your businesses, what are some other hobbies that you enjoy?

Beyond my businesses, I find immense joy in activities that nurture my creativity and well- being.  I'm an avid bowler, finding a sense of camaraderie and competition on the lanes.  Swimming provides me with tranquility and an opportunity to connect with nature. Traveling allows me to explore new cultures, broaden my perspectives, and recharge my spirit.  Additionally, I have a penchant for creativity, enjoying the art of hairstyling and makeup. These hobbies remind me of the importance of balance and self-expression, contributing to a well rounded and fulfilling life.

Antoinette Logan and Amias Michon

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Cover Photo Credits:
Photographer: Gahsh Henry
Lighting: Terrance Lewis